Rosalind: It’s Your Village

Stop Making Holy Qu’ran Repsonsible for Your Village

I use this as the title. How could I not, seeing what I see in my neighborhood, villagers from the mountains in Pakistan, none of them understandable for too many Pakistani living in Karachi, walking the streets of my neighborhood, women covered from head to toe, obviously burdened by their men when you watch them, see them with their children, see them with their men . . . the backward medieval fuckers . . . one time I stopped a man and asked him why he made no move to help his wife who was struggling to negotiate a corner from the street with a laundry cart I would have had trouble with, me being six foot two inches tall, at two hundred and fifteen pounds . . . I did tell him how disgusting I thought he was as I made a move to help her, at which he then moved to interfere . . . and no amount of insipid pseudo-liberal correct politicking from closet conservatives who will tire of their pretend liberal postures in the big city before they return to their conservative village or farm becoming there the slightly barely more liberalized conservative, although maintaining the same imbecilic narrow-mindedness America has become world renowned for . . . what then shock I say about  the continued and continuing ambiguation of democracy and freedom . . . is Islam in itself an impediment to democracy or is it the village mind of hundreds of millions of muslims living in third world poverty around the world, barely literate enough to read even Holy Qu’ran, let alone anything that would foster democratic thinking. Of course, I see women in my neighborhood wearing burkas and I do sometimes wish I lived in Paris. Their women do not fucking READ! You can see the result of extended centuries old generationally instilled infantilization . . . the faces . . . you can see, read clearly the stupidity in their gazes. But then I sometimes see the same stupid faces in White-white Protestants from American villages, towns and farms in the South and Mid-west . . . and these are the college educated fuckers who have come here to gentrify black neighborhoods, all the while denying their closet or latent conservatism . . . you cannot imagine that Hilary or Obama or Bill were liberals, can you?

Impediments to the spread of democracy may also be the United States acting less than genuinely in maters of treaty, policy, foreign affairs of several kinds, whether economic, military, geo-political, et cetera; although I do not oppose the United States violating Pakistan’s sovereignty to kill Bin Laden.

Democrats are as much to blame for any of our geo-political problems as are our Republicans, neither one more diametrically opposed to the other than let’s say heads is diametrically opposed to tails on any coin you hold in your hand.

Do I still believe as Lincoln once thought that The United States is the last best hope for humankind? Yes, I do. But that is going to take greater literacy, and not just the alphabetics the corporate world sponsors through their control of education in America. The feds make no policy in education apart from corporate lobbies. These are the same corporate lobbies that could care less about the hundreds of millions of muslims living in third world poverty, again in illiteracy or semi-literacy, the latter two being soils within which many fanatics and terrorists grow. No. These are the corporate lobbies that throw millions at politicians in Washington, in the White House, in Congress, and care little to nothing for the American worker and his family or their economic plight.

Capitalism is responsible for the  worst slums in human history, some of the direst poverty, the greatest inequitable distribution of wealth, and yet, like most Alpha gorillas, we beat our chest in pride, but a pride based on a lie–we are freer than any people have ever been, or so the propaganda continues, and we have to be grateful for our lives in America because we could be living in China or Afghanistan.

We have to stop comparing ourselves to the third world and start comparing ourselves to what we should be and could be. But with semi-literacy ad systematic under-education ruling liberalism in America, we arguing to be lost for a long, long time.

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